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Country Brocante Style | Where English Country Meets French Vintage

Find inspiration in decorative country living with Country Brocante Style.

Lucy Haywood is the creator of The Country Brocantes—home and lifestyle fairs held in idyllic rural surroundings. In Country Brocante Style, she introduces her pretty and accessible signature look into the home, fusing two enduring and appealing decorating traditions—English country style and French-inspired vintage styling. There’s classic French "brocanterie"—old textiles, vintage furniture, and decorative pieces—alongside lifestyle brands, gardenalia, handmade textiles, cottage-garden flowers, and other homewares. In the first section, Country Brocante Style, Lucy leads you through the color palette of the Brocantes and discusses key pieces of furniture and decorative objects before presenting creative ideas for putting the look together. In the second section, Country Brocante Interiors, she pays a visit to the homes of the dealers and the buyers who flock to the fairs.

Decorative country style is more popular than ever and Country Brocante Style will inspire you to create this romantic, timeless style in your own home.

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